Hey everyone,
Since we went live with Verint from Jive in 2021 we have had a rocky rollercoaster to get to where we are today, and I wanted to thank everyone for being a part of this journey with your feedback, support and being an active member of the element14 Community.
Yesterday we went live with a new update, 12.1.4:
Site Maintenance: Upgrade to version 12.1.4
There are a lot of fixes and updates in this version, alongside Verint's updates and fixes that our element14 Community development team have put in place. Though some of the fixes I am most excited about are around video uploads, which you should now be able to do, instead of relying on third-party sites (as not everyone has a youtube account!).
With the update there will also be new features that you may notice as you use the site, feel free to let us know what you think of this as and when you find them (I'm not entirely sure of them all as they're not always explicitly stated in Verint's release notes) and also do let us know in Feedback and Support by reporting a problem.
We haven't stopped working on the site, and there are still changes to come, for the better!
Thanks for being here.