I am currently working on a program to help at risk and underprivileged youth in the Suncoast area of North Fort Myers. I am funding this program with my own capital as of now and am looking for any donationations of new/used computer items specially Raspberry PI. I want to create a place for the children to go and learn more about technology that there is much more that they could do and spend there time on then social media. I plan to use to time to get them to see and understand that they can do anything they put their minds to. So if you have any Ideas for projects and/or resources that I may be able to use to help get mu program off and running it would be great. I look forward to hearing your ideals.
I believe that today's youth is our future, today we run the world but one day soon we will be handing down the torch to the youth of the world and it will be their turn to take over and take care of us. Remember if you turn a blind eye to the world around and don't do your part then you can't really complain how it turns out. Let's all take one step together and chip in.
One man can make a difference by his ideas and passion planting the seed of a good Ideal into the minds of others, Only together can we leap forward. Let's all join together and not only teach the children of the world this but also show them they can be what ever they dream of as long as they truly try..
If you like my e-mail is bakeefe4@gmail.com
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