After being consumed with Raspberry Pi WiFi adapter testing the last two weeks, I'm turning my attention back to finishing my Arduino heart rate data logger project (which I've termed the hrmshield). I'm really glad that I finally moved the project to a github repo before I was sucked into the Raspberry vortex. It's much easier to recall what I was up too by looking through the commit log and also not having to look around my hard disk for the "current" version. Here's the project repo:
The main attraction is the Arduino sketch, hrmshield.pde, which melds together code from HeartSpark, OpenHeart and Adafruit Logger shield. Following Eric Boyd's lead in his HeartSpark code, I try to only do the minimal amount of processing on the Arduino before logging to text file on the SD card
Here's the rough method I'm currently using to attach the hrmshield to my arm for test runs:
Since the data is "raw", I have been working on a set of Perl scripts that parse and filter the heart rate samples to generate accurate graphs. These are in the repo as well, but I'm still working on improving the filtering scripts. Also, I've been using an interactive GUI frontend to gnuplot called qgfe which while very handy for analyzing test data, but I need to write scripts with automate the process of running gnuplot. I'll do post on this topic soon.
Also, once I've wrangled the filtering and graphing process, I really need to make a nice laser cut or 3d printed enclosure at my hackerspace. For now, here's a video of my crude version in action: