I believe it was John Adams that once said, "every problem is an opportunity in disguise." This, as it turns out, is great advice for those wanting to come up with a new Arduino project. When I first started to look for project ideas, I was just trying to make use of what I have and create something that looked cool. But now that I am looking for problems to solve, well, the possibilities are endless! Take my job for starters. I am a logger. If there is one industry that has completely lacked technological advancement for the last 50 years* and deals with some of the greatest problems any of us will ever face on a daily basis, it's the logging industry. Cable logging to be more precise.
The first problem I would like to solve is one of safety:
A grapple yarder (if you're already lost watch https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiKlZWB-pHWAhVH1WMKHahkDIkQtwIIL… ) is held in place by cables called "guylines". These guylines are most often anchored on stumps that are called "tailholds". A grapple yarder puts these stumps under major stress and sometimes the stumps are pulled right out of the ground. This is never supposed to happen, because it can cause major damage to machinery as well as death. But it happens.
So my solution would be to have a unit that is placed on the tailhold that alerts the grapple yarder operator if the stump is starting to move.
My idea:
So I think I might be stepping a little too far out of my range of expertise, but I would like to try to use an accelerometer on the stump connected to an Arduino. then the Arduino puts out an rf signal to another Arduino in the grapple yarder. This second Arduino will then display on an LCD display or a row of LEDs how much the stump is moving. I have never used the rf module although I have one. Also, never even tried my accelerometer.
Any suggestions?
*In the last 5 years there has FINALLY been a slow trend of new technology in the bush, but by and large, we are still stuck in the 1960's. Seriously.
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