I just checked out the MS Windows 10 Developer preview. It was a disaster. I know it's still not ready, but it still has the horrible "Live Tiles". I didn't like it. (I know that it still isn't finished.)
Windows 95, XP, and 7 were microsoft's HUGE hits. If they can't make another hit like that, I think one of these might happen:
IBM will come out of it's hiding place and continue OS/2.
BeOS Will comeback
We will all go to apple.
We will all go to Linux.
If Microsoft Dies, I going to Linux Mint
I've used windows all my life, and I loved it, (I have about 6 commuters all running different versions of windows, and one computer running 3 version of Linux.)
I have a strong feeling ms will die. And this is what killed it:
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.
(If MS dies I will never sleep again! Yes, I'm a Microsoft FanBoy)
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