For my Safe Sound Hearing Guard System project I plan to use a BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1 with a TI MSP432 for the base unit The QVGA TFT will be used for user input to the system to set dB thresholds and view data collected from the noise sampling from the Personal Noise Sensor and Room Unit I did not find the BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1 example in MSPWare v3.x so I resorted back to a v2.x of MSPWare and Code Composer 6.x since the older MSPWare example fails the build process in CCS 7(At the time the video was made I did not try the MSP-EXP432P401RGrLibExample located in MSPWare v3.60.00.10
MSP432P401R LaunchPad (Black)
Code Composer Studio
MSPWare - Version
The example I found for the MSP432 was in the MSPWare but when compiled in Code Composer 7 it produces 100 errors. However, with CCS this compiled without issue. My plans are to implement this in to TI RTOS, so we'll see if the IDE rev is a factor at that time.
So from Code Composer Studio to get to the TI Resource Explorer go to View Resource Explorer(Examples Once this has been selected the TI Resource Explorer will appear in the IDE right window If MSPWare is not installed it can be searched and then imported on to the Desktop After this the individual devices such as MSP432 or BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1 GRLib Example can be searched for by adding BOOSTXL in the search field
Then click on “Step 1: Import the example project into CCS.
This will add the "BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1_GrlibExample_MSP432P401R" example to the Project Explorer window.
After the example is loaded on the MSP432, this is what the demo looks like. (I did have some issues with the Touch Screen and the Calibration).