Very short, first blog post.
Recieved a nice package yesterday from UPS:
The Atmel SAMA5D4 Xplained Ultra wonderfull mouthfull name, ill call it the SAMA.
Was searching for some detailed information and well, im slightly sad, the optional LCD is atleast 120 euros. But it has HDMI and can boot from Flash, SD or other onboard bootdevices. It should have secure boot aswell and many options, IO and features that apeal to me.
Way better than Rapsberry? well depends on how and why you use a raspberry, same story about an Arduino or just a 555 timer.
just need to blink a LED? might be my first "Hello World!" test for this hardware board
- Atmel SAMA5D4 Cortex
-A5-based microprocessor
- 512MBytes DDR2
- 512MBytes SLC NAND Flash
- 1x SD/eMMC and 1x MicroSD slots
- LCD connectors compatible with PDA4301 (well, yes, so expensive after getting this (if you already pay for the board)
- HDMI connector (Nice )
- 2x Ethernet 10/100 with PHY and connectors (I only count one, 1 might be exposed by io shield, should check)
- Three USB connectors (2 Host 1 Device) (all those files I can transver
- Expansions headers, Arduino R3 Shield compatible(3.3volts IO !)
Ill keep you updated, just got it yesterday and wasnt able to boot it, at work atm, did download Android, and will try another Linux Distro aswell.
Full review will be somewhere about starting it. setting up basic hardware and might actualy connect it to a Playstation