1. Easy 802 programmable relay with SmartWire-DT
2. Contactors
3. Contactor modules
4. Start- Stop switches
5. LED modules
6. Assembled ribbon cable
7. Programming software
8. Programming cable
1. Build the setup in software – pick all of the components and place them on the assembly panel.
2. Build the ladder logic of how you want the system to respond to input actions. – This is where any prior PLC programming experience would be helpful.
3. Download the program to SmartWire System
4. See it work.
· Easy to make changes to program –i.e. make changes to how it operates without having to make control wiring changes
· Wiring is simple, and a much cleaner looking layout.
· It can be integrated with other equipment.
· Has a slightly higher cost than non SmartWire components.
· Initial cost outlay for crimper, download cable and software (there is a free version available for download).
· Knowing basic Ladder Logic is required.
· Start/Stop Switches did not quite seem to be rugged enough for use in several locations in our facility.