I was hoping that the hardware might have arrived by now, however its seems to have gotten lost.
I have sent an email to ask for any tracking numbers, so it can be chased down.
Never mind I have been downloading and gathering the information in preperation.
The idea is based on a similar project done with an Arduino.
Monitor the temperature of a DS18B20 temp probe, and activate one of two relays to either apply heat or cooling to the environment.
Use an I2C LCD to show the temperature and the state of the relays (Heat or Cool).
(this was the limitation of the Arduino version)
The temperature, setpoints and current relay state should also be available on a web page on the Pi.
The settings can then be interacted with, to provide a fully controllable device.
Some of the stumbling blocks I can see with this project :-
1. I'm not familar with Linux, so it will be an enforced learning curve, but the www has a few clues already.
2. I have version 1 Pi, but tit seems there are no hardware mods to make, just a setting change for the I2C ...hopefully.
3. Web server and interaction may also be a stumbling block, but again there are resources on the www.
4. My other committments/distractions.
Apart from a day job, I provide electronics articles for a NZ Hobby type magazine, 'The Shed' ( http://www.theshedmag.co.nz ) and have a few weeks free to sort this out.
We have been wanting to start the readers into RaspberyPi, once the Arduino introduction was complete, and its now very close. Hopefully I can use this project.
So for now its a waiting game.
Time to play with the other Hardware the E14 has provided a KL25z board, which I like a lot !.
edit 5th June
This is the review that was published in 'The Shed' magazine, a hobby based magazine that has 'how to' articles ranging from Woodwork ,Metalwork, House renovation and electronics.