THE ANALYSIS: The radio head C-3436A was used in the 1960's. It is used for both VOR and ILS. It has three (3) ARC connectors in the rear. I had built some cables for the unit a few ago but then never did anything with it. So I need to test the RSS so I pulled out this unit. I am going use the term "Hacking" loosely as I am not going to damage the Control Set in any way.
1. The first thing I had to do was ring out the connectors (Please see Figure 2) as I did not have the schematics as the TM 11-1520-211-35 Google Book did not scan them properly. ( I have attached a sheet of the result of the ring out but as yet I do not have the weighting for each line.)
2. The next thing is to build an interface board to go between the Control Set, and an Arduino Mega2560. The board will have two (2) DB25F jacks to plug into my cables. There are also two (3) 16 pin IC Sockets. As this interface board is a one-off I will Wire-Wrap it. There will be most likely a small relay to handle the lighting and a Molex 4-pin connector for the power.
3. The next thing is to jumper the board to the Arduino via the rear header (Digital I/O Pins 21 through 53).
4. At this time I am not going to worry about the following items: Lights, Volume, nor Squelch.
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