Before I moved my very old task lamp with magnifier broke. It broke at the base where everything swivels from, as this lamp is very old I could not find any parts online. So I disassembled most of it and put it in my hope chest.
The other day while at Goodwill I found something that I was sure that it would do the job. Almost everything was there, from table clamp to shade, but it was missing springs, lens, and small parts. So I grabbed it.
Building Frankenstein
- Remove the shade that holds the lamp, lens, etc.
- I was going to use the older upper bars as they were heavier. But I decided to keep the new ones.
- Remove the Black Zipcord and replace it with the wire from the old shade.
- As the old shade and pivot are heavier, I will use the old parts.
- Use wire splices to repair the power cable
- The new lamp uses a twist-in starter, the old lamp did not. So If I can I will use this.
- Reinstall the lens. and power it up.
Please check back to see Frankenstein come to life.
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