A few weeks ago the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W was launched and I saw e14phil 's post about it New Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W - 5 x Faster! .
I knew that I wanted to try one out - as Will Smith said in Independence Day:
I realized last week that I had forgotten to order one, but was lucky enough to find one at Digikey. It showed up in the mail on Wednesday .
Here's a picture of it (on top) with one of my older Zero Ws.
I first used the RPi Zero W back in 2018 as part of the Google AIY Vision Kit . It's been a while since I've done anything with it, but it uses a vision "bonnet" with the Intel Movidius Myriad VPU for its AI processing. This year I've been trying a lot of AI camera configurations and recently used the Luxonis LUX-ESP32 (aka OAK-D-IoT). That board also uses the Myriad VPU with the ESP32 as its host processor. I'm going to try to get a similar configuration going using the Zero 2 W with the vision bonnet. The Intel OpenVINO software development framework used with the Myriad VPU has come a long way since 2018 and they have lots of available AI models.
But first just need to check that the board is working. I thought I'd do a quick compatibility check. I have an existing camera setup with an RPi Zero W and thought I'd try swapping the SD card and the camera to the new Zero 2 W and verify everything still works.
It did occur to me that since the E14 site is migrating again this weekend that the hammer might drop at any time and I could lose this post, so I'm going to publish it and continue in another post after the migration.