This is our first site update of 2017. It was deployed last night and updates the underlying platform to the latest version, with over 100 fixes by the vendor. As well as that, our team implemented 42 fixes and improvements to the code that makes element14 Community the awesome site it is today
Underlying platform upgrade! Over 100 fixes by Jive
Ability to white-list a user from being deactivated by anti-spam process
Add a 'Reactivate User' link to the profile pages for admins to use
Anti-spam improvement (no detail given on purpose)
Widget(s) that allow easy use of YouTube Playlists
Ability to follow a single RoadTest instead of all RoadTests/The RT Space.
Tidy up denied country pages
Broken vanity URLs went to a bad not found page
RoadTesters widget improvements
Reduce font size of Status Update widget
"RoadTest Review" widget fixes
Old Icon /Road_Test_3.png being used on the homepage
New RoadTest Icon is not displayed in the Create drop-down small menu view
Change name/label of 'Champion' to 'Top Member'
New homepage profile icon in the next community release
Misc Fixes
The link to Tech Docs 404s
Chinese Lang Text is not translating properly when languages are selected in drop-down menu
'Undefined' showing in content search results
Images not working in Recent Reviews
Extend referral handler to allow lowercase country codes
"That image type is forbidden" error in RoadTest and Design Center applications
4 x back end changes
8 x changes and fixes in Design Center
10 x other fixes and improvements