It's May the 4th, so you know what that means? Star Wars day!
In celebration of the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire, for one day only you can grab our exclusive element14 Jedi badge. How, ask you?
- First, update your profile image and avatar to your favourite Star Wars character.
(I've already done that, although in honesty I was more interested in working a pun into my username than including my fave character (Boba Fett). But you get the idea.)
- Then add your favourite saga quote as a status update.
- Finally, vote in our poll below to determine the coolest technology as seen in the galaxy far, far away.
You've only got today to complete these items, and then a Jedi will you be!
UPDATE: A Long Time Ago, in a Community Far, Far Away...
That's Star Wars Day over for another year. I know it's entirely, even brutally, commercial, but I really hope this becomes a global holiday! I love May 4th, and it beats out the likes of Valentine's Day for engagement value.
As the element14 Jedi Temple is now closed, I thought you'd like to know that within 24 hours we managed to recruit a staggering 98 Jedi! Anyone who wasn't indoctrinated into the hokey religion will now have to wait until next year, when your Jedi training commences once again (assuming we don't all get wiped out by Sith).
The hyperdrive came out as the top Star Wars tech (which is weird given that lightsabers are clearly the coolest thing ever), and you guys picked out some classic quotes for your protocol droid-style status updates that we can live our lives by (until next May 4th), including, but not nearly limited to:
- Do or do not, there is no try.
- Fear is the path to the dark side.
- "He will learn, patience." - Obi-Wan
- "He will learn, patience." - Obi-Wan
- You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon??!
- “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
- “It’s a trap!” – Admiral Ackbar
- An elegant weapon for a more civilized days.
And this one from gihu that's so monumentally bad, it's absolutely awesome!
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