This applied to U.S. tax payers only. However, the policy of the company has changed, so we don't issue documentation anymore that would stipulate a roadtest product as additional income.
I happened to look at this page yesterday and read your comment. I thought I had published a change in the tax policy of the company. At present, you no longer will need to claim the award of a roadtest product. We don't send a W-9 and will not issue a 1099. Thus, you will not incur additional income with respect to a roadtest for your annual taxes.
I mean there's a 5K one right now, as cool and potentially useful and not competitive it's too pricey when I can get a regular 30V/5A one for 60USD that would be useful for 5 years.
>Help me understand how a 99% off the sticker price differs from free?
Sorry, just noticed this nearly a year later! oops.
I was only thinking of it as a way to avoid the taxes and customs/import fees for the recipients of certain countries like the USA, and also to make it not be a "game of chance" that excludes places like New Zealand.
To get around your worries of the class system, e14 could potentially gift users a store credit.
The ultimate goal would be for it to still be essentially free, but in a way that satisfies the constraints of the different countries.
But like I said before, I have no ideas of how the legalities of it would be interpreted by any of the countries affected in the first place.
Help me understand how a 99% off the sticker price differs from free? The RoadTest program offers hardware in return for a RoadTest review. Are you suggesting if individuals have skin in the game,putting there own money up, would influence participation or outcomes?
I'm having difficulty carrying you suggestion to a conclusion that benefits the RoadTest program. Not that I disagree. I just don't understand. My concern with the approach is that it creates a class system. Those that have money to participate have an advantage over those that have little.
I agree your suggestion does eliminate those that participate in the program with the objective of garnering free sh#!. I feel the downside eliminate participates that would be immense benefit to the program and to themselves.
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