In order to control plants via Dropbox we built the following control circuit / Cyber Physical System (CPS) / Internet of Things application. To support sustainability, the water used is taken out of a natural pond. The required energy is supplied by a solar panel that charges an old automotive accumulator (battery). Images of the plant growth progress and data is being sent to dropbox constantly. This project was part of a thesis and the advanced development / recursive modelling has been performed with SysML to verify applicability of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in the context of IoT and CPS.
{gallery} Layout |
Layout: |
Schema: |
SysML CPS Profile & abstract reference architecture (1/3): |
{gallery} Dropbox GUI and Hardware |
Measured data: Battery level; Humidity; Temperature; XBee connection; Water level |
Images sent to Dropbox: |
Arduino: |
Battery: |
Arduino code:
#include <MemoryFree.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/power.h> #include "pb_encode.h" #include "pb_decode.h" #include "messages_pb.h" #include <SoilHumidity2.h> #include <LM35.h> //#include <AltSoftSerial.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <JPEGCamera.h> // sensors SoilHumidity2 hsensor(3, 1); // soil resistance sensor: digital out pin, analog in pin LM35 tsensor(0); // temperature sensor: analog in pin const int batVPin = 2; // bat level analog pin const int waterVPin = 3; // water level in pin const int waterOPin = 5; // water level sensor digital out pin const int pumpOPin = 6; // pump digital out pin long pumpEndT = -1; // time to turn pump off, -1 if pump is off long lastCommand = millis(); // time of last command. if we do not receive a command within 2 min. we go to sleep for 56 secs -> save power int pumpBattLevel = 0; // level of bat while pumping const int WATER_LEVEL = 400; // communication SoftwareSerial s(8,9); // cam serial SoftwareSerial s2(10,11); // xbee serial JPEGCamera cam(s); // xbee comm protocol const unsigned int MAGIC = 7557; // frame prefix messages_SensorData sensorData; messages_Command commandData; messages_picData picData; messages_Ok okData; char rBuffer[16]; // read buffer uint8_t wBuffer[32]; // write buffer pb_ostream_t stream; // xbee comm protocol parsing int readState = 0; // 0: magic_h, 1: magic_l, 2: len_h, 3: len_l, 4: buffer int readExpectedLen = 0; int m; uint8_t h; uint8_t l; uint8_t command = 255; int command_arg; // control led int led = 13; int value = HIGH; // power control volatile long sleepOn = 0; int powerPin = 12; void softReset() // Restarts program from beginning but does not reset the peripherals and registers { asm volatile (" jmp 0"); } ISR(WDT_vect) { //Serial.println("ISR"); if (sleepOn > -1) { } else { softReset(); } } void setupWDT() { /*** Setup the WDT ***/ /* Clear the reset flag. */ MCUSR &= ~(1<<WDRF); /* In order to change WDE or the prescaler, we need to * set WDCE (This will allow updates for 4 clock cycles). */ WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE); /* set new watchdog timeout prescaler value */ WDTCSR = 1<<WDP0 | 1<<WDP3; /* 8.0 seconds */ /* Enable the WD interrupt (note no reset). */ WDTCSR |= _BV(WDIE); } void enterSleep() { // set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE); /* EDIT: could also use SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN for lowest power consumption. */ set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); /* EDIT: could also use SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN for lowest power consumption. */ /* Now enter sleep mode. */ sleep_enable(); sleep_mode(); } void camSave() { /* s.begin(38400); s.listen(); wdt_reset(); cam.reset(); delay(6000); wdt_reset(); cam.powerSaving(true); */ } void sleepIt(long duration) { LEDLow(); sleepOn = duration/8000; if (sleepOn == 0) sleepOn = 1; digitalWrite(powerPin, LOW); while (sleepOn) { enterSleep(); /* The program will continue from here after the WDT timeout*/ sleepOn--; } sleep_disable(); /* First thing to do is disable sleep. */ /* Re-enable the peripherals. */ power_all_enable(); delay(100); digitalWrite(powerPin, HIGH); // camSave(); } // parse xbee comm void doSerial() { s2.listen(); //Serial.println("event"); while (s2.available()) { invertLED(); switch (readState) { case 0: h =; if (h == highByte(MAGIC)) readState = 1; break; case 1: l =; m = word(h,l); if (m != MAGIC) readState = 0; else { readState = 2; } m = 0; break; case 2: h =; readState = 3; break; case 3: l =; readExpectedLen = word(h, l); // Serial.print("len "); // Serial.println(readExpectedLen, DEC); if (readExpectedLen > 32) { readState = 0; } else { readState = 4; } break; case 4: if (s2.readBytes(rBuffer, readExpectedLen) == readExpectedLen) { pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer((uint8_t *)rBuffer, sizeof(rBuffer)); pb_decode(&stream, messages_Command_fields, &commandData); command = commandData.command; // Serial.print(7,DEC); // Serial.println(command,DEC); } readState = 0; break; default: readState = 0; break; } } } void setup() { stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(wBuffer, sizeof(wBuffer)); s2.begin(9600); // set low xbee baudrate to reduce error rate. s.begin(38400); // default cam baudrate is 38400 // Serial.begin(9600); // use serial for debug, but may block if used together with software serial // Serial.println("setup"); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(batVPin, INPUT); pinMode(waterVPin, INPUT); pinMode(waterOPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pumpOPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(powerPin, OUTPUT); // turn xbee on digitalWrite(powerPin, HIGH); setupWDT(); lastCommand = millis(); // camSave(); // set LED to high LEDHigh(); // wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); // set watchdog to 8 seconds. may be set lower in future } void loop() { wdt_reset(); // trigger watchdog if (pumpEndT > 0 && pumpEndT < millis()) // check if pump is on offPump(); doSerial(); // parse input if (command < 255) // if we received a command: execute it { lastCommand = millis(); invertLED(); wdt_reset(); doCommand(); command = 255; // Serial.print(0,DEC); // Serial.print(command, DEC); } else { if (pumpEndT <= 0 && (millis() - lastCommand) > 60000) { sleepIt(56000); lastCommand = millis()-55000; } } } void LEDHigh() { value = LOW; invertLED(); } void LEDLow() { value = HIGH; invertLED(); } void invertLED() { if (value == HIGH) value = LOW; else value = HIGH; digitalWrite(led, value); } void doPump() { pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(wBuffer, sizeof(wBuffer)); if (pb_encode(&stream, messages_Ok_fields, &okData)) { //Serial.print("b "); //Serial.println(stream.bytes_written, DEC); sendMessage(stream.bytes_written); } // else // Serial.println("error encoding ok in doPump"); long duration = commandData.arg; // Serial.print(millis(), DEC);Serial.print(" doPump ");Serial.println(duration, DEC); if (duration > 0) // duration 0 == heart beat { pumpEndT = millis()+duration; digitalWrite(pumpOPin, HIGH); delay(500); pumpBattLevel = getBatLevel(); // get bat level only when bat is under load } } void doSleep() { long duration = commandData.arg; pb_encode(&stream, messages_Ok_fields, &okData); sendMessage(stream.bytes_written); if (duration > 0) // duration 0 == heart beat { sleepIt(duration); } } int getBatLevel() { return analogRead(batVPin); } void getWaterLevel() { digitalWrite(waterOPin, HIGH); delay(500); int x = analogRead(waterVPin); digitalWrite(waterOPin, LOW); bool hasWater = x > WATER_LEVEL; sensorData.hasWater = hasWater; } void offPump() { // Serial.print(millis(), DEC);Serial.println(" offPump"); pumpEndT = -1; digitalWrite(pumpOPin, LOW); } void sendPic() { // Serial.println(); // Serial.println(9, DEC); // Serial port connected to the cam s.listen(); delay(1000); cam.reset(); delay(4000); wdt_reset(); // cam.powerSaving(false); /* delay(50); cam.chBaudRate(1); delay(50); s.end(); s.begin(19200); delay(50); */ invertLED(); cam.takePicture(); wdt_reset(); delay(25); picData.size = cam.getSize(); pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(wBuffer, sizeof(wBuffer)); pb_encode(&stream, messages_picData_fields, &picData); sendMessage(stream.bytes_written); delay(10); invertLED(); wdt_reset(); cam.readData(s2); s2.flush(); cam.stopPictures(); invertLED(); cam.powerSaving(true); } void sendSensorData() { wdt_reset(); sensorData.temperature = tsensor.temperature(); wdt_reset(); sensorData.humidity = hsensor.humidity(); wdt_reset(); if (pumpBattLevel > 0) { sensorData.batLevel = pumpBattLevel; pumpBattLevel = 0; } else sensorData.batLevel = getBatLevel(); getWaterLevel(); pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(wBuffer, sizeof(wBuffer)); pb_encode(&stream, messages_SensorData_fields, &sensorData); sendMessage(stream.bytes_written); } void sendMessage(size_t len) { // Serial.print("send ");Serial.println(len, DEC); sendStartMessage(len); s2.write(wBuffer, len); s2.flush(); delay(100); //Serial.println("endsend"); } void sendStartMessage(size_t len) { s2.write(highByte(MAGIC)); s2.write(lowByte(MAGIC)); s2.write(highByte(len)); s2.write(lowByte(len)); } void doCommand() { // Serial.print(8,DEC); // Serial.println(command,DEC); switch (command) { case 0: sendSensorData(); break; case 1: doPump(); break; case 2: sendPic(); break; case 3: doSleep(); break; default: break; } }
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