My entry for the Internet of Holiday Lights is an electro-mechanical wreath.
For those new to the subject: in Belgium, a wreath comes with four candles. Each advent Sunday we lit one of the candles.
The last Sunday of advent, all four candles are lit. The ceremony is documented on Wikipedia.
My electro-mechanical concept is going to be semi-intelligent, semi-dumb.
The candles will be leds or bulbs, and they won't have a clue about what week of the advent period it is. They will always be lit.
The lights will be hidden from the spectator's view by an opaque filter. The filter is fitting above the wreath and will be motor driven.
It has openings in it. These openings are positioned in such a way that either one, two, tree or four lamps are visible.
The smart part will be in the motor and its logic. Each day of the advent matches with a particular position of the filter. The motor driver will have to know what to do to put the motor in that given position.
The IoT magic takes care that the wreath knows what day it is. It's going to use a calendar service to get the date.
I don't know how to deal with time zones yet. Maybe solder in a particular resistor depending on what zone the owner is in?
In fact I don't know anything about te design yet. It's just an idea at this moment.
You'll find out together with me how it materializes.
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