I thought I was finished with this road test, but the creative part of the brain refused to shut down. Here's my final throw at the [Christmas Wreath of Things] Internet of Holiday Lights - summary.
This is my tribute to Radio Shack / Tandy. You pulled me into electronics. The imprint of my nose is probably still visible on the window of the shop that was once your store in Diest, Belgium. A big thank you, and Fan Forever! |
The road test is closing down. I had already submitted my final story. And then this idea materialized when I was updating a speaker picture to my Twitter series about the Radio Shack :
"Can I make the Yún shout out the names of my friends on element14?".
Turns out that I can (barely - I've stretched the memory of my Yún beyond believe).
Here's the article that got me on the rails: Is it possible to make Arduino talk without shield
My eldest daughter made an amplifier on the Science Fair 200 in One LAB (she isolated the amplifier part out of project 180 - octave generator)
while I was struggling to get the TSS library work on Ardiuino IDE 1.5.x and fitted it in the memory together with the MQTT lib.
She finished well before me.
Here's the result. You can hear the kit saying my name once, and peteroakes' name twice:
The video is a real capture of messages arriving. The speech you hear are real messages posted to the Eclipse IoT broker by fellow element14 members.
This is my final final entry. A big thank you to all: you know who you are. :like:
Some geek compliant pictures to close my campaign: