My entry for the Internet of Holiday Lights is an electro-mechanical wreath.
My first blog post was a brain dump of possibilities.
In my second post I made a paper prototype.
My third post was about getting the Arduino Yun up and running.
In the fourth post I used the Linux part of the Yun to get at the current date and time.
In the fifth post I scavenged a stepper motor from a flatbed scanner.
In post six I got that motor working using a Velleman motor driver.
I am now adding the Infineon LED shield to the design. That finishes off the electronics part of my design.
I blatantly stole peteroakes BYOB Party #3, Infineon Library Available. I've seen in the comments on the Internet of Holiday Lights blogs that I won't be the only one running away with it. Works perfectly, Peter!
So I won't elaborate on the software part here. Check Peter's blog post.
I didn't have stacking headers available. And normal mail headers do not leave enough spece between the shields. Using them would very likely create short circuits or other mishaps.
I decided to take another approach. I soldered female headers upside down on the bottom side of the Infineon shield, and used prepped' male headers to match the female headers of the two chields.
'Prepped' means that I forced the plastic part of the male headers to the center of the pins, so that there's enough pin left on both sides to make contacts with the female headers:
Electronics prototyping finished
Now that I have all parts of the software solution tried out (I also tested the IoT MQTT library and got that working though I didn't blog about that [yet?]), I'm done with the investigating cycle.
The four main electronics functions of my design are covered:
- I can drive a motor with sufficient precision, needed to get the light filter in the correct position.
- I can talk to the linux part to get the current date for my timezone. I need that to know where I am in the advent cycle.
- I can drive the Infineon shield to handle the lights part
- I'm able to use the Eclipse IoT services for surprise functionality that I'm not going to reveal yet.
I've also tested the two most hardware dependent parts in combination: the stepper motor shield and the Infineon RGB driver shield. That worked out ok.
Here's the code of a combined stepper/led exercise:
// led shield includes #include <Wire.h> #include "Infineon.h" // stepper shield includes #include <Stepper.h> // stepper constants #define STEPA 4 #define STEPB 12 #define ENAA 5 #define ENAB 10 const int stepsPerRevolution = 96; Infineon RGBLEDS = Infineon(); Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, STEPA, STEPB); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // led shield Wire.begin(); Serial.println("buy time to start the serial monitor..."); delay(5000); // wait 5s Serial.println("polling led shield..."); while (RGBLEDS.on != 1) // Wait for shield to respond, keep setting the values till it does { Serial.println("led shield setup"); RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, FADERATE, 0x0000); // Immediate fade Serial.println("faderate set up"); RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, DIMMINGLEVEL, 0x0000); // 0% brightness level RGBLEDS.on = RGBLEDS.I2CREAD(ADDRESS, READ_DIMMINGLEVEL); // Request for brightness level if (RGBLEDS.message == 1 && RGBLEDS.on == 0) // If message received and dimming level = 0%, "message" is set in the I2CREAD function { Serial.println("message check for 0"); RGBLEDS.message = 0; RGBLEDS.on = 1; // break out of loop } } RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, OFFTIME_RED, 0x38); // Set off-time of red channel to 0x38 RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, OFFTIME_GREEN, 0x38); // Set off-time of green channel to 0x39 RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, OFFTIME_BLUE, 0x38); // Set off-time of blue channel to 0x38 RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE6BYTES (ADDRESS, CURRENT_RGB, 0x80, 0x05, 0x05); // max: 0x80 = 780mA RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, FADERATE, 0x0000); // Fade Rate between intensities --> 0.0s RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, WALKTIME, 0x0000); // walk time between colors = 0s RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE6BYTES (ADDRESS, INTENSITY_RGB, 0x0555, 0x0555, 0x0555); // low level White Light RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE2BYTES (ADDRESS, DIMMINGLEVEL, 0x0FFF); // Maximum dimming level means inensity settings are directly used // stepper shield pinMode(ENAA, OUTPUT); //Set control pins to be outputs pinMode(ENAB, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ENAA, LOW); digitalWrite(ENAB, LOW); // set the speed at 30 rpm: myStepper.setSpeed(30); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { Serial.println("colour loop..."); // change lamp colour to red RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE6BYTES(ADDRESS, INTENSITY_RGB, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); // all off delay(500); // wait 1000ms step(stepsPerRevolution); // change lamp colour to green RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE6BYTES(ADDRESS, INTENSITY_RGB, 0x03ff, 0x03FF, 0x03FF); // 25% delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); // change lamp colour to blue RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE6BYTES(ADDRESS, INTENSITY_RGB, 0x07ff, 0x07ff, 0x07ff); // Blue delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE6BYTES(ADDRESS, INTENSITY_RGB, 0x0bff, 0x0bff, 0x0bff); // Blue delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.I2CWRITE6BYTES(ADDRESS, INTENSITY_RGB, 0x0fff, 0x0fff, 0x0fff); // Blue delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); // White, Silver, Gray, Black, Red, Maroon, Yellow, Olive, Lime, Green, Aqua, Teal, Blue, Navy, Fuchsia, Purple RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR( White); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Silver ); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Gray ); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Black ); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Red ); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Maroon ); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Yellow ); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Olive ); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Lime ); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Green ); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Aqua ); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR( Teal); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Blue ); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Navy ); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Fuchsia ); delay(500); step(-stepsPerRevolution); RGBLEDS.SETCOLOUR(Purple ); delay(500); step(stepsPerRevolution); } void step(int steps) { digitalWrite(ENAA, HIGH); digitalWrite(ENAB, HIGH); myStepper.step(steps); digitalWrite(ENAA, LOW); digitalWrite(ENAB, LOW); }