Good morning and thank you to all the competitors in the Internet of Holiday Lights RoadTest Plus; we are delighted that the Internet of Things and Holiday decorations are proving to be so well matched.
As we did with the Forget Me Not Challenge we hope to inspire even greater effort by offering an additional prize. Without further ado, meet Jerry -
The competitor who produces the most content-rich, inspiring and informative blog(s) between now and December 24th will receive a Jerry action figure to sit on their desk or workbench; hopefully his lullabys will help soothe after a hectic holiday period.
Not selected? Want to join in?
Many people have expressed interest in this particular RoadTest Plus: if you weren't selected, no problem, just purchase an Infineon LED shield, couple it to a suitable Arduino (we recommend the Yún) and the Eclipse IoT Platform and you’re in! Be sure to blog about your project on the Arduino area, and tag your posts with iot_holidaylights.
Any questions, as ever, please let me know.
"Minions" & Despicable Me
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