Hello e14
Environmental engineer from denmark checking in.
I am building a project in which I plan to use an arduino to measure and log/record sensor data.
This sensor data includes: temperature, pH, conductivity, gas/liquid flow, and light intensity (x2 sensors), all measured in an aquatic environment.
Initially I will set up and test each sensor individually, then later set up a full set of sensors, and finally I require up to 6 sets of the above mentioned sensors.
I have tinkered with professional lab equipment, but starting up for myself, my budget is a far cry from what is required.
so the tasks at hand are:
1: aquire the nessecery parts
2: get familiar with building and programming arduino
3: set up data logging
4: test each sensor
5: set up a full set of sensors
6: set up multiple paralel sets of sensors using preferably 1 arduino(?), otherwise multiple.
I would love your thoughts on step 1: aquiring the nessecery parts.
(max budget ca. 200$, preferably around 100 if possible)
-Purchase an all-around starter kit for arduino to first learn the basics, and then the additional parts needed in order to reach my end-goals?
-Genuine arduino vs. 'clones' ?
also ideas, questions and inputs are absolutely welcome!
With kind regards