Hello everyone. Please help...
#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h"
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
// Use pins 2 and 3 to communicate with DFPlayer Mini
static const uint8_t PIN_MP3_TX = 2; // connect to pin 2 on the DFPlayer via a 1K resistor
static const uint8_t PIN_MP3_RX = 3; // connect to pin 3 on the DFPlayer
// Software serial library
SoftwareSerial softwareSerial(PIN_MP3_RX, PIN_MP3_TX);
// Player
DFRobotDFPlayerMini player;
// Pins for buttons
const unsigned char switches[4] = {A7, A6, A5, A4};
// Pins for LEDs
const unsigned char leds[4] = {4, 5, 6, 7};
// Reset button
const unsigned char switch_reset = A2;
// Prepare the Arduino
void setup() {
// Prepare the pins
pinMode(switch_reset, INPUT_PULLUP);
for (unsigned char sw=0; sw<4; sw++) {
pinMode(switches[sw], INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(leds[sw], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(leds[sw], LOW);
// Init serial port for DFPlayer Mini
// Start communication with DFPlayer Mini
if (player.begin(softwareSerial)) player.volume(30);
while (digitalRead(switch_reset) == HIGH) {};
// Stop any playing sfx
// Main loop
void loop() {
// Check all 4 switches
for (unsigned char sw=0; sw<4; sw++) {
// Is it pressed?
if (digitalRead(switches[sw]) == LOW) {
// Turn on its LED
digitalWrite(leds[sw], HIGH);
// Play its sfx
// Wait for the reset button
while (digitalRead(switch_reset) == HIGH) {};
// Stop any playing sfx
// Turn off the LED
digitalWrite(leds[sw], LOW);
// Stop!
how to add button right and button wrong answer before reset after arduino pins A4-A7 are pressed