Im trying to build a motor control circuit with DRV8428E with some friiends.
I read the datasheet, but the guys got me nervous, They are 4 professional engineers, and they have smoked a bunch of these chips, I don't want to be the next guy to do it.
luckily, they're all out of parts for right now. Even so, I would like to try and ensure my success, when more parts do arrive.
The data sheet has an example of the P version as a stepper motor driver, (I'll be using "DRV8428E")
But across the datasheet, there seems to be some subtle differences, which I find confusing.
The chip driving this device will be an esp32. I think AEN, BEN, and nSleep should all get tied high to the 3.3V.
I am also confused about what VRef resistors I should choose for rs1, rs2, and if i should use the layout shown on page 29 of the datasheet.
There doesn't seem to be many projects using this device as a stepper motor control. If anyone has some pointers for me, I would greatly appreciate it.