Hello all,
I am trying to build custom Linux for MicroZed 7010 by using Petalinux 2018.3. I would like to boot it from sd card. I have installed Petalinux and I have only changed INITRAMFS mode to SD card mode from "petalinux-config" . Than I have compiled the system without any error. My sd card is SDHC 16GB class 10. I have formatted it with two partitions as vfat and ext4. After compilation process has done, I copied to BOOT.BIN and image.ub file to first partition. For rootfs, I used the command like "sudo dd if=rootfs.ext4 of=/dev/sdb2 conv=fsync bs=1M".
I got below message and booting process has stopped before root login.
"bootconsole [earlycon] disabled"
In u-boot, I have changed the bootargs as
"earlycon console=ttyPS1,115200"
After that, I got lastly this message and I couldn't get into root login.
"Starting tcf-agent: OK"
I have set the boot jumpers correctly. How can I solve this problem?
Thanks inadvanced.