Software: Vivado 2019.1, Petalinux 2019.1/
Hardware: Avnet UltraZED-7EV
I have a project where I need to get an LVDS LCD display working to use as an X-Windows screen.
Progress to date:
- The system also has a DisplayPort video stream and that works under X-Windows.
- The Vivado portion of the LVDS chain works. I can display a test pattern generated in the PL on the screen.
- I've removed the test pattern generator block and replaced it with an AXI Video DMA block. I wrote a simple driver to control that block to push data from a reserved range of DDR. That works correctly (more details below).
- I configured a Simple Framebuffer instance in the Device Tree.
Here comes the problem:
- I tried to configure the Simple Framebuffer device (/dev/fb1) in xorg.conf. I can get a text console on the LCD working where I can connect a USB keyboard and log into the system and see the output on the LVDS screen. This tells me my video chain is working. I just can't get video for X-Windows up and running.
The problem is I simply cannot get X-Windows to use /dev/fb1. I've researched and tried numerous configuration schemes. I either get the text console on the LCD or nothing.
Anyone have any ideas how to make this work?
Are there some possible kernel config options I'm missing?
Is it even possible to get Petalinux to use multiple screens under X-Windows?
FYI, the reason I need it working under X is that Chrome needs it.
Could Wayland be the way I need to go?