I have a very specific question about the IPI (Inter-Processor-Interrupt) at the Cortex-A53 level using Linux.
Actually, we are working on a framework called OpenCN which is a system control with embedded path planning algorithms and hard realtime control
and currently porting on a ZCU106 board. The framework is based on a patched Linux 5.10 with asymmetric multi-processing.
In this context, we need to use IPI 8 and 9 which are not used by Linux. The problem is that only IPI 0-7 are recognized by the GIC at the moment
(they seem not to be activated somehow...). The issue is also reported there : https://discourse.heig-vd.ch/t/porting-opencn-on-ultra-scale-zcu106/248/2
(thanks if you can follow the discussion there as well :-))
Thanks for any input.