Please help me, i need the ucf for the micro zed board.
Rajesh khanna
Please help me, i need the ucf for the micro zed board.
Rajesh khanna
The MicroZed Master UCF Rev B v1 can be downloaded from the following page. Unzip the file and constraints for both the 7010 and 7020 MicroZed are there.
for your help gary
I Need to use the Programmable Logic Section of the zynq FPGA alone. I am using AES-Z7MB-7Z020-SOM-G.
I need a clock and reset for testing certain logic in FPGA. (programmable logic in vhdl).
Since the clock is directly routed to only the PS section, I am not able to check any fucntionality in PL section.
How to derive the clock from the PS section in simplest way. As i am not curretly using the ARM section.
Please help me.
You will need to initialize the Processor Subsystem, using either JTAG (ps7_init.tcl) or booting (ps7_init.c), with the files generated by 'exporting' your design to SDK to get a clock generated in the Processor Section for the Programmable Logic section to become active.
The easiest way to setup the clock would be to 'open' or 'customize' the Zynq Processing System block in your Vivado block design, select 'Clock Configuration', and then enable one or more PL Fabric Clocks and set the desired frequency. Then connect the clock output(s) from the PS block to your PL logic.
You might want to take a look at the Zynq SW and HW Speedway material located in the 'Training and Videos' section of the website for presentation and lab material on designing Zynq Systems: http://zedboard.org/support/trainings-and-videos
The project device selection against the boards from avnet.
I am able to find only MicroZed Board (xc7z010clg400-1).how to add the MicroZed Board (xc7z020clg400-1).
In one of the videos i am able to find the MicroZed_PS_properties_v03.tcl used to add the 7Z020 in the zynq processing system selected.
Please give the full procedure to add the SOM microzed board.
R.Rajesh khanna
The project device selection against the boards from avnet.
I am able to find only MicroZed Board (xc7z010clg400-1).how to add the MicroZed Board (xc7z020clg400-1).
In one of the videos i am able to find the MicroZed_PS_properties_v03.tcl used to add the 7Z020 in the zynq processing system selected.
Please give the full procedure to add the SOM microzed board.
R.Rajesh khanna
The Board Definition Files for the 7020 MicroZed are available for download here: http://zedboard.org/support/documentation/1519
Open the zip file for installation instructions.