In Xilinx ISE 14.5, I made a simple design (using the MicroZed board), where I just instantiated the Processor System and connected the DDR, MIO and PS signals to the FPGA pins.
I defined the .ucf according to the schematic on MicroZed_RevF_Schematic_140128.pdf.
On Xilinx Platform Studio, I enabled the peripherals: UART1, GPIO0, SD0, USB0, Enet0 and QuadSPI Flash Memory Interface, according to table 19 on MicroZed_HW_UG_V1_2.pdf and exported the HW design to SDK.
I installed the u201CCP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Driveru201D and on Xilinx SDK I followed the steps described on 02_MicroZed_Zynq_Hello_World_2013_2_01.pdf
starting from generating the Board Support Package (the ps_hw_platform was already generated).
Everything seems to be ok (the configuration runs without errors, the LED D3 is switched off) except the output to terminal. I cannot see anything on SDK console. I also tried with TeraTerm the same configurations and I do not see nothing on it.
What could be missing on my design/setup?