what is the block 'ETH RESET DELAY & LVL XNSLTR' for?
what will happen if we drop 'U21/Q6'?
output of U8 is 1.8V already.
what is the block 'ETH RESET DELAY & LVL XNSLTR' for?
what will happen if we drop 'U21/Q6'?
output of U8 is 1.8V already.
Hi niqingliang2003,
May I ask why you are interested in this circuit? Are you working on your own customer board based off MicroZed?
Hi niqingliang2003,
May I ask why you are interested in this circuit? Are you working on your own customer board based off MicroZed?
I'm a SW developer, and am studying hardware design, using microzed as a reference. So I will ask some question which may be taken for granted by hw.
I want to know _WHY_ for every detail.
maybe here is not the best place for that, do you have other advice? VERY THANKS!