Hello all,
I have a microzed and the embedded vision carrier card since it has the hdmi out needed for a screen. My plan is to implement a touchscreen ui using Petalinux and QT that will read data over ethernet and display it on the screen and I'm looking for any advice on how to go about doing this.
I have tested the board using petalinux and the board support package for the board and have linux running. I have also checked out the HDMI pass through tutorial that is associated with the embedded vision carrier card. So the bsp has everything i need except for hdmi PL needed for the hdmi out. So what would you say the best plan is to go about this? Is there a way to add the hdmi IP to the hardware description used for the bsp? Where could I find the hardware description used for the BSP as I don't see it on the microzed support page. Would I have to just add the IP needed to run linux, ethernet, and hdmi out to its own project and then use that for petalinux?
thanks for your time,