Hello fellow miniZed users!
I use a Windows 10 workstation with Vivado 2017.4 and Xilinx SDK 2017.4 to program my MiniZed. After testing the Wifi as described in the "MiniZed Getting Started Guide":
and getting "Tutorial 02 First Application - Hello World" working, I started working my way through the SW Labs at:
(I downloaded the files for SDK 2017.4).
In SW Lab 05, experiment 1, step 7, where you re-programmed the PL. The blue 'Done" LED started out blue and stayed blue, and I did see the message:
11:02:44 INFO : FPGA configured successfully with bitstream "C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/hw_platform_0/System_wrapper.bit"
I then plunged into experiment 2, where you download and run the Hello_Zynq application. Nothing deviates from the notes until I get to then end of step 5, where nothing appears in the Tera Term window.
I have gotten output on the terminal emulator in prior tests but not here. I am at a loss where to start troubleshooting this problem.
I will paste in that part of my SDK.log file that was written today:
09:03:09 INFO : Registering command handlers for SDK TCF services
09:03:09 INFO : Launching XSCT server: xsct.bat -interactive C:\Speedway\ZynqSW\2017_4\SDK_Workspace2\temp_xsdb_launch_script.tcl
09:03:12 INFO : XSCT server has started successfully.
09:03:12 INFO : Successfully done setting XSCT server connection channel
09:03:14 INFO : Successfully done setting SDK workspace
11:02:41 INFO : Connected to target on host '' and port '3121'.
11:02:43 INFO : 'targets -set -filter {jtag_cable_name =~ "Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A" && level==0} -index 1' command is executed.
11:02:44 INFO : FPGA configured successfully with bitstream "C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/hw_platform_0/System_wrapper.bit"
11:08:30 INFO : 'targets -set -filter {jtag_cable_name =~ "Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A" && level==0} -index 1' command is executed.
11:08:30 INFO : 'fpga -state' command is executed.
11:08:30 INFO : Connected to target on host '' and port '3121'.
11:08:30 INFO : Jtag cable 'Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A' is selected.
11:08:30 INFO : 'jtag frequency' command is executed.
11:08:30 INFO : Sourcing of 'C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/ZynqHW/ps7_init.tcl' is done.
11:08:30 INFO : Context for 'APU' is selected.
11:08:30 INFO : Hardware design information is loaded from 'C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/ZynqHW/system.hdf'.
11:08:30 INFO : 'configparams force-mem-access 1' command is executed.
11:08:30 INFO : Context for 'APU' is selected.
11:08:30 INFO : 'stop' command is executed.
11:08:31 INFO : 'ps7_init' command is executed.
11:08:31 INFO : 'ps7_post_config' command is executed.
11:08:31 INFO : Context for processor 'ps7_cortexa9_0' is selected.
11:08:31 INFO : Processor reset is completed for 'ps7_cortexa9_0'.
11:08:31 INFO : Context for processor 'ps7_cortexa9_0' is selected.
11:08:31 INFO : The application 'C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/Hello_Zynq_2/Debug/Hello_Zynq_2.elf' is downloaded to processor 'ps7_cortexa9_0'.
11:08:31 INFO : 'configparams force-mem-access 0' command is executed.
11:08:31 INFO : ----------------XSDB Script----------------
connect -url tcp:
source C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/ZynqHW/ps7_init.tcl
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~"APU*" && jtag_cable_name =~ "Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A"} -index 0
loadhw -hw C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/ZynqHW/system.hdf -mem-ranges [list {0x40000000 0xbfffffff}]
configparams force-mem-access 1
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~"APU*" && jtag_cable_name =~ "Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A"} -index 0
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "ARM*#0" && jtag_cable_name =~ "Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A"} -index 0
rst -processor
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "ARM*#0" && jtag_cable_name =~ "Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A"} -index 0
dow C:/Speedway/ZynqSW/2017_4/SDK_Workspace2/Hello_Zynq_2/Debug/Hello_Zynq_2.elf
configparams force-mem-access 0
----------------End of Script----------------
11:08:31 INFO : Memory regions updated for context APU
11:08:31 INFO : Context for processor 'ps7_cortexa9_0' is selected.
11:08:31 INFO : 'con' command is executed.
11:08:31 INFO : ----------------XSDB Script (After Launch)----------------
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "ARM*#0" && jtag_cable_name =~ "Avnet MiniZed V1 1234-oj1A"} -index 0
----------------End of Script----------------
11:08:31 INFO : Launch script is exported to file 'C:\Speedway\ZynqSW\2017_4\SDK_Workspace2\.sdk\launch_scripts\xilinx_c-c++_application_(system_debugger)\system_debugger_using_debug_hello_zynq_2.elf_on_local.tcl'
Can anyone suggest what to test to narrow the field of culprits down?