Hello Minized Gurus
I recently got my minized board and have been playing with the basic tutorials (such as Hello World, Labs 1-4) and it has been working great (Petalinux 2017.4) so far. Very nice board to learn Zynq ARM/FPGA and SW/HW co-design for various applications.
I was trying out the below tutorial from the "reference designs/tutorials" section when I encountered an error in the library with the btmgmt executable, which is part of the "demo_ble.sh" script
Using Bluetooth on MiniZed
This document discusses the Bluetooth Low Energy demo apps for MiniZed under both iOS and Android. Learn how to install the apps and install the GATT server on MiniZed.
The Bluetooth interface must be configured and then you can run the application, which is located at /mnt/emmc/tools/btgatt-server.
To do this, from the command prompt in the terminal enter:
cd /mnt/emmc/ble
./demo_ble.sh // Missing lib error happens
The BLE demo should now be ready for connections from an app
When I run the demo_ble.sh, I get a Library Error and Bluetooth does not connect as shown in the screenshot below.
Has some one else encountered this problem The peta Linux version is the 2017.4 (latest image) running on my minized and has the "image.ub" in the emmc (43MB).
The bt.sh and wifi.sh from the "Getting started guide" works. but not this demo.
I checked the /usr/lib path for what libraries are present and the closest one is "libreadline.so.6" (not the 7)
Problem: How to get this library (7) added to the path. I don't have a petalinux build running on my host.
If you need any other information, pl let me know and I can extract and post it here.
Thanks much
Best regards
Siva Radhakrishnan