I am building Petalinux 2020.1 for my Minized Board. I downloaded the Avnet BSP package. I noticed that the default Shell script for enabling the WiFi module has an issue:
#Mount the eMMC
echo "Mount the eMMC."
mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt
When I boot my Petalinux, there is not such "mmcblk1p1". There is "mmcblk0p1". What is the best way to correct this file? I changed it and re-built my Petalinux, however, the shell script in the image file didn't change!!! Am I missing something?
Also, I changed my "wpa_supplicant.conf" file to include my WiFi user ID&PASSWD, however, the file doesn't change in the linux image file.
I appreciate if someone can look into this problem.
Thank you