I'm building a basic BIST (I use PS output clock FCLK1 as system clock for the PL) that suppose to light the user_led located on the FMC carrier board of PicoZed 7015. The light rate is 1 sec.
According to the documents the LED's are connected on PINs Y19/Y18 on the Zynq7015, and connected via JX3 on pins 75 and 73.
When I download the image (via Jtag), both LED's are RED light untill the image load is done. Than the DONE LED is blue and than the LEDs are turned off and never turned on again.
According to Chipscope I can confirm that both PINS are toggeling in rate of 1 sec.
Please advise if there is somthing else that I'm missing here.
BTW: I tried to PULL_UP and PULL_DOWN then pins via the vivado tool, but the results are the same.