Looking to buy a PicoZed Carrier card but Ver 1 is not in stock with 8 week delivery and Ver 2 does not seem to be available. Is Ver 2 available shortly or do I order Ver 1. Is Ver 1 still being manufactured.
Any help would be appreciated.
Looking to buy a PicoZed Carrier card but Ver 1 is not in stock with 8 week delivery and Ver 2 does not seem to be available. Is Ver 2 available shortly or do I order Ver 1. Is Ver 1 still being manufactured.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am told that both are being worked on now, and likely both will be available at the same time. Please work with your local Avnet office on availability and delivery.
The FMC-V2 is in stock and shipping. I noted 53 pieces in stock this morning.