Looking to buy a PicoZed Carrier card but Ver 1 is not in stock with 8 week delivery and Ver 2 does not seem to be available. Is Ver 2 available shortly or do I order Ver 1. Is Ver 1 still being manufactured.
Any help would be appreciated.
Looking to buy a PicoZed Carrier card but Ver 1 is not in stock with 8 week delivery and Ver 2 does not seem to be available. Is Ver 2 available shortly or do I order Ver 1. Is Ver 1 still being manufactured.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am told that both are being worked on now, and likely both will be available at the same time. Please work with your local Avnet office on availability and delivery.
I am told that both are being worked on now, and likely both will be available at the same time. Please work with your local Avnet office on availability and delivery.