I have a basic design with DRAM and UART1 configured in PS and PL LEDs with pattern Ah. -> OK
Zynq FSBL + Zynq DRAM tests application project in SDK --> OK
Created BOOT.mcs (fsbl.elf, system.bit, dram_test.elf) -> OK
Programmed the BOOT.mcs into flash -> OK
CP210x_Windows_Drivers.zip installation from https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers -->OK
COM port and Baudrate settings at Teraterm with 115200 --> OK
UART display on Teraterm for DRAM memory test using dram_test.elf over JTAG -->OK
UART display on Teraterm for DRAM memory test when boot from flash --> NOK
COM port and Baudrate settings at Teraterm with 115200 --> OK
Orange LED at J1 --> OK
Complaint is UART display on Teraterm for DRAM memory test when boot from flash --> NOK