I hope your chip is still fine. I don't have a lot of background on your specific problem. However a couple of years ago I read through the the guide lines for designing a carrier board for the PicoZed. I seem to remember that there was a very specific sequence for applying all the different power rails to the PicoZed. Did you ensure that your carrier board respects the power sequencing requirements?
Yes I have a regulator for the VCCIO that only gets enabled once the power good signal comes from the module so power up should be respected, the rest of the boot up sequence is handled by the SOM. As I stated I was able to power up, it was detected, and I programed the board, the FPGA DONE light would light up correctly once booted. It is definitely dead as it gets too hot to touch very quickly.
I was trying to stay hopeful but you might be correct in assuming that the device was damaged. So strange that things seemed to go south during the software load. I am not really an AMD/Xilinx guy so I can't really pin point what could have gone wrong here.
I was trying to stay hopeful but you might be correct in assuming that the device was damaged. So strange that things seemed to go south during the software load. I am not really an AMD/Xilinx guy so I can't really pin point what could have gone wrong here.