Hi All.
I am wondering if anyone has a bare-metal application plus bitstream booting successfully from QSPI (using ISE14.1)?
I have an application that consists of both bare-metal implementation and Programmable Logic. To date, I have been using the SDK tools to download the bistream, and then using SDK->Project Explorer->Right Click on Program->Run As->Launch on Hardware.
I would now like to have the .bit and .elf included in the QSPI so that the board can boot from it.
Here's what I've done to date:
1a. Added and successfully built a Zynq FSBL project.
1b. I have not made ANY code changes to FSBL source code... but I wonder if that is necessary to somehow tell the FSBL which bitstream and elf to use.
2a. SDK->Xilinx Tools->Create Boot image.
2b. In the above menu, I select the FSBL elf file as the fsbl.elf of step#1.
2c. In the above menu, I add (2) partitions. First, the bitstream from the design. Second, the bare-metal application .elf.
2d. I then select an output file location.
2e. The output of step #2 creates a .mcs file.
3a. SDK->Xilinx Tools->Program Flash
3b. I select the .mcs file created in step #2 and select 'Enter'.
3c. This starts the process (shown in the console) but it ends up crashing after about 30 seconds with the following Windows Error message. "zynq_flash.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close"
Looking at the console, no errors are shown, and the console says it erases the QSPI 100%, but there are not any messages about programming the QSPI.
Any suggestions are much appreciated, thanks!
-------Console output below---------
JTAG chain configuration
Device ID Code IR Length Part Name
1 4ba00477 4 Cortex-A9
2 03727093 6 XC7Z020
CortexA9 Processor Configuration
User ID.............................0x00000000
No of PC Breakpoints................6
No of Addr/Data Watchpoints.........1
BOOT_MODE REG = 0x00000000
Info:Firmware image : C:Xilinx14.114.1ISE_DSISEdatacsecseflashzynq7000qspi_single.bin.
Downloading Program -- C:Xilinx14.114.1ISE_DSISEdatacsecseflashzynq7000qspi_single.bin
tsection, .text: 0xfffc4800-0xfffd230f
tsection, .rodata: 0xfffd2310-0xfffd4628
tsection, .data: 0xfffd462c-0xfffd4e6f
tsection, .u_boot_cmd: 0xfffd4e70-0xfffd503b
tsection, .bss: 0xfffd5040-0xfffd729f
Setting PC with Program Start Address 0xfffc4800
Info:Performing Erase operation.
100% Info:Erase operation completed successfully.