I'm converting a C algorithm into VHDL with Vivado HLS, and after exporting the RTL into Vivado and completing the design I'm using Xilinx SDK to right in the ARM9 PS.
The algorithm is meant to normalize matrices that are kept on .txt files. My thought originally was to copy the .txt files to an SD card, mount it in the Zedboard and read the .txt files from it, copying the information to the DDRs. Problem is...I have no idea on how to do that. And here I was thinking that it was going to be a straightforward step -_-
I searched a lot of stuff, read a lot of threads and other than booting from an SD card I found nothing on this subject.
Please help me.
Note: I can already read/write to DDR with AXI DMA block. What I don't know is how to read a file from the PS that is on the SD card.