On zedboard, it seems LD9 can be turned on/off through PS directly, which is PS-MIO[7], anybody knows which GPIO pin it refers to?
I'm using petalinux 14.4, can I export it from console directly?
On zedboard, it seems LD9 can be turned on/off through PS directly, which is PS-MIO[7], anybody knows which GPIO pin it refers to?
I'm using petalinux 14.4, can I export it from console directly?
Hello Lynn,
The gpio offset for PetaLinux 2014.4 seems to be 138. As you have noted LD9 is connected to MIO7. Therefore the GPIO address, using the SysFs subsystem would be 145.
Take a look at the section of the PicoZed FMC Carrier Getting Started Guide, v2.1, starting on page 23, that details interacting with GPIO. It is based on PetaLinux 2014.4 as well. Even though it is targeting the PicoZed FMC Carrier card, and the LED is MIO47 on that board, the method illustrated should work the same on the ZedBoard using 138 + 7 = 145, rather than the 185 address used there:
Thank you very much, Gary. It works great.
Thank you very much, Gary. It works great.