Hello folks,
Quick question: Is it possible to do read/writes to an SD card using standalone (bare-metal) OS?
I tried building a Zynq-based SDK project with a standalone BSP + xilfatfs. However when I do so I get this error in SDK:
ERROR:EDK:3900 - issued from TCL procedure "::sw_xilfatfs_v1_00_a::xilfatfs_drc"
line 15
xilfatfs () - Sysace HW module not present or not accessible from this
processor. FATfs cannot be used without this module
So my guess is, standalone OS doesn't have libraries for SD/MMC support...
I know the typical flow is to use U-boot/Linux, but my application will be *dumb* simple and U-boot/Linux would be unnecessary overhead.
The application will simply move a file from SD card over to memory, and buffer the data via GPIOs to an external device.