I'm new on using Zedboard, I have simple program using FreeRTOS, I can run it from RAM. I created BOOT.bin on SDK, but after I did "Program Flash", my program didn't run, anyone knows why? -- Thanks
I'm new on using Zedboard, I have simple program using FreeRTOS, I can run it from RAM. I created BOOT.bin on SDK, but after I did "Program Flash", my program didn't run, anyone knows why? -- Thanks
As shown in the tutorial if your hardware design includes a PL section you would add that by listing the System_wrapper.bit file after the fsbl.elf, but before your FreeRTOS application, in the Create Zynq Boot Image function under the SDK 'Xilinx Tools'. Then the PL code will be part of the .mcs image you program into the QSPI Flash.
You may want to look at the earlier tutorial to see how these files were created:
As shown in the tutorial if your hardware design includes a PL section you would add that by listing the System_wrapper.bit file after the fsbl.elf, but before your FreeRTOS application, in the Create Zynq Boot Image function under the SDK 'Xilinx Tools'. Then the PL code will be part of the .mcs image you program into the QSPI Flash.
You may want to look at the earlier tutorial to see how these files were created:
Thanks for your help, it works.