I'm new on using Zedboard, I have simple program using FreeRTOS, I can run it from RAM. I created BOOT.bin on SDK, but after I did "Program Flash", my program didn't run, anyone knows why? -- Thanks
I'm new on using Zedboard, I have simple program using FreeRTOS, I can run it from RAM. I created BOOT.bin on SDK, but after I did "Program Flash", my program didn't run, anyone knows why? -- Thanks
The tutorial link is for MicroZed but, except for targeting your hardware project to ZedBoard, the flow will work the same. Once you have generated your .mcs image you can use the 'Program Flash' function under 'Xilinx Tools' in the SDK to program the QSPI Flash as is shown in the tutorial.
The tutorial link is for MicroZed but, except for targeting your hardware project to ZedBoard, the flow will work the same. Once you have generated your .mcs image you can use the 'Program Flash' function under 'Xilinx Tools' in the SDK to program the QSPI Flash as is shown in the tutorial.