I'm new on using Zedboard, I have simple program using FreeRTOS, I can run it from RAM. I created BOOT.bin on SDK, but after I did "Program Flash", my program didn't run, anyone knows why? -- Thanks
I'm new on using Zedboard, I have simple program using FreeRTOS, I can run it from RAM. I created BOOT.bin on SDK, but after I did "Program Flash", my program didn't run, anyone knows why? -- Thanks
Hello Lynn,
You don't really give us enough information to help very much. What version of Xilinx tools/SDK are you using? What is your host OS? Did you change the boot jumpers on the Zedboard to indicate your new boot location?
How did you create your boot image? Are you trying to boot from QSPI Flash or SD Card? A boot.bin image is used to boot from SD Card but you should generate a .mcs image for a QSPI boot.
Even though it is targeting the MicroZed Board this tutorial should be a good place for you to start:
Just use the fsbl.elf you generated for your zedboard project, along with your system_wrapper.bit file (if you have one) and the .elf file you generated for your FreeRTOS program in the 'Create Zynq Boot Image' application.
Also note that I deleted your duplicate post on this issue. Please to not make multiple forum posts with the same question.
I'm using freeRTOS, latest SDK, is it possible I load image to QSPI flash directly from PC without using SD card?
The link is for MicroZed, if I following the step, will it work for ZedBoard?
I'm using freeRTOS, latest SDK, is it possible I load image to QSPI flash directly from PC without using SD card?
The link is for MicroZed, if I following the step, will it work for ZedBoard?