Hello, I have been working through some basic examples on the Zedboard, i.e. creating a simple PL fabric to switch an LED upon a button press. The board will program fine, and the system will work (i.e. LEDs and buttons work fine), however, whenever it prints something to the terminal, it appears as junk. I have a cable plugged into the J17 (prog) port and the J14 (UART) port. I have tried every baud rate possible, I understand that the standard is 115200, however no baud rate works (have tried on Vitis Terminal, PuTTy and TeraTerm). I have installed the Cypress (now distributed by Infinion) USB to UART drivers and the board comes up on the device manager as a serial device. I have also tried plugging the J14 port into my Macbook and using screen, but it still has the same issue. All the boot jumpers (JP7-JP11) are grounded. I am using Windows 10 and Vivado and Vitis 2022.2. Are there any other reasons as to why it would be printing junk? I have played around with the Linux install on the SD and all works fine when using a serial terminal, so I don't think it is a driver problem. Thanks.