Accidently +28V applied to Vin. Now SOM doesn't boot up and current is also limited. red led is glowing
How to reset? or how to debugg this issue.
Kindly help
Accidently +28V applied to Vin. Now SOM doesn't boot up and current is also limited. red led is glowing
How to reset? or how to debugg this issue.
Kindly help
Looking at the schematic (link under "Schematics" on this page) there are three active parts connected to VIN: A switching regulator and two PMICs.
(Page 15, 16, 17.)
The switching regulator, TPS62173, has a maximum input of 20 V.
Both PMICs are an IRPS5401. These have an absolute max of 16 V.
So either all three chips are blown are some combination of them. I would suspect the PMICs are the most likely to be damaged. You might be able to determine which ones are dead by finding VCC pins from their outputs and measuring them with a DMM.
With luck, these relatively cheap power ICs saved the significantly more expensive (and much more difficult to replace) Zynq.
Regardless, there is likely no "reset" option. You have to replace the components that were damaged.
thank you sir. lets hope for the best
thank you sir. lets hope for the best