I'm trying to get a picozed to boot and run a FreeRTOS application.
I have the application running and it works, but the problem is the first stage boot loader (FSBL). It seems in order to create an fsbl, I need to use a standalone, and when I do that it seems to create an application under the standalone that starts on the ethernet.
I don't know, but was thinking that if I modified that app so that it didn't start the ethernet, my own app that is running FreeRTOS might be able to get the ethernet and all would be good.
Is there anything special I need to do in order for the FreeRTOS application to startup when the picozed boots? I don't see anything in the Run/Debug settings.
Also, this is being flashed through qspi_single, is that the correct way to do it? My understanding is that I flip both switches up so I can program it, then flip the left switch down so that it will boot from the qspi. Let me know if this is incorrect.
I'm really pushed on this project and thrown into the fire. I have worked with the Xilinx tools in the past with zynq processors, but it's never been a great experience. I like to say:
"The Xilinx SDK is the greatest set of tools on the planet...said NO programmer, EVER!"
Appreciate any insight.