I am new to petalinux and ultrzed-EG IOCC module. I am trying to bring up the petalinux and did not succeed yet.
What did I do?
1. Created xsa file from vivado 2021.2 using the AVNET board presets
2. petalinux-build and created the necessary files and BOOT.bin using the petalinux-package --boot command. Here i specified all the files like, u-boot, dtb, pmufw, atf, image.ub and boot script boot.src.
3. While package i got an error saying the previous section overruns the current so had to use the --offset 0xF40000. With this i am able to package the BOOT.bin. But i am not sure how this works.
4. Formatted the sd-card: Installing Ubuntu on Xilinx ZYNQ-7000 AP SoC Using PetaLinux | by Chathura Rajapaksha | Developments and Implementations on ZYNQ-7000 AP SoC | Medium
Select the SD card in gparted
Make sure its unmounted and delete the partition of the SD card so that it displays ‘unallocated’ in gparted
Right click the unallocated space and create a new partition with following settings, Free Space Proceeding (MiB): 4, New Size (MiB) : 512, File System : FAT32, Label : BOOT. Don’t change other settings and click Add to finish.
Right click the remaining unallocated space and create a new partition with following settings, Free Space Proceeding (MiB): 0, Free Space Following(MiB): 0, File System : ext4, Label : rootfs. Don’t change other settings and click Add to finish.
Apply all changes to create the partitions.
5. Copied only the BOOT.bin to the BOOT partiotion.
6. Inserted sd-card back into ultrazed and restarted with the uart connected
7. Able to see prints on putty, but eventually halts at u-boot prompt.
Support required:
1. Can anyone help me to understand what i missed.
2. Where can i get information on how the boot, u-boot and offsets work?
3. When dealing with sd-card boot source, what files to copy to what partition.
thanks in advance,