Hello - I've been trying to get the MCS generated in SDK to be written to the flash on the Zedboard. The installed Flash is an S25FL256S Quad SPI.
The board does boot from the flash with the jumpers J7 thourgh J11 set to '00010'. At least this indicates the FLASH is in working order.
Writing to to the flash:
- Generating basic ‘LED on’ PS/PL in Vivado 2018.3 and SDK 2018.3 (runs fine when just uploading bit file into Zynq from the SDK, and launching the .elf file from the SDK)
- In SDK generating FSBL and .mcs file (files are generated as ‘Release’)
- Setting JP7 through JP11 all to logic ‘0’
- In SDK run XILINX->Program Flash
This is the SDK console output I've been getting:
Connected to hw_server @ TCP:
Available targets and devices:
Target 0 : jsn-DLC10-00001b311f3601
Device 0: jsn-DLC10-00001b311f3601-4ba00477-0
Retrieving Flash info...
Initialization done, programming the memory
===== mrd->addr=0xF800025C, data=0x00000000 =====
BOOT_MODE REG = 0x00000000
Downloading FSBL...
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000110, data=0x00177EA0 =====
READ: ARM_PLL_CFG (0xF8000110) = 0x00177EA0
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000100, data=0x0001A008 =====
READ: ARM_PLL_CTRL (0xF8000100) = 0x0001A008
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000120, data=0x1F000400 =====
READ: ARM_CLK_CTRL (0xF8000120) = 0x1F000400
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000118, data=0x00177EA0 =====
READ: IO_PLL_CFG (0xF8000118) = 0x00177EA0
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000108, data=0x0001A008 =====
READ: IO_PLL_CTRL (0xF8000108) = 0x0001A008
Problem in Initializing Hardware
Flash programming initialization failed.
ERROR: Flash Operation Failed
I've tried writing to the flash from Vivado instead of the SDK - in VIVADO there is a whole family of S25FL256S flashes available. Out of desperation I tried them all - all resulting in the same message as above.
Any support and insight into this problem is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!